
Registration is not complete until the Tuition Form below is turned in to the studio!


We will accept cash, checks, money orders, or credit/debit for tuition payments. Please write your child's name in the memo portion of the check. If you pay with cash, please ask for a receipt.

Please make all checks payable to Janet's Dance Studio and write your child's first and last name on the memo space to insure proper credit (especially if your last name is different from your child’s.)

Any returned check will be fined $25.00 and the family will be asked to make payments with money orders or cash in the future.


Multiply each payment by the number of classes you are taking!

10% discount if paying with payment option #3 (full year.) This applies to students taking more than one class as well as family members but must be paid with option #3.


Aug 2024 – Mar 2025 (8-month session)
We accept: Cash, Checks, Money Orders, Credit/Debt (Automatic Withdrawal)
Please write in the class you would like to attend and select your payment option below!


45 minute class per week ____________________________

 #1 - $55.00/month (Automatic Payment Plan REQUIRED)
 #2 - $175.00/ semester  (2 semesters)  Due by Sept. 15 & Nov. 15, late fee of $15.00  
 #3  $300.00/ year  -  Due by Sept. 15 

 1 Hour class per week ____________________________

#1 - $60.00/month (Automatic Payment Plan REQUIRED)
#2-   $200.00/ semester  (2 semesters) Due by Sept. 15 & Nov. 15, late fee of $15.00
#3 - $350.00/ year - Due by Sept. 15 

 Dance Team Members – 3 hours per week
#1 -  $125.00/month (Automatic Payment Plan REQUIRED)
#2 - $350.00/ semester  (2 semesters) Due by Sept. 15 & Nov. 15, late fee of $15.00
#3 - $650.00/ year - Due by Sept. 15 
No refunds after September 30!
              Dancer’s First & Last Name:______________________________  Parent’s Name: _________________________
              Address_:_________________________________ City: ____________________ Zip :__________
Main Phone :___________________________                    Alternate Phone: ________________________              Student’s Phone:________________________
Age: ____ Grade :_____                                             Birthdate :  _____/______/_______                          Email: ______________________________
          I agree to have my child participate in the class(es) listed above and understand that I am responsible for making the payment for the class(es).  I understand I must submit in writing a request for withdrawal of any class by the 15th of the month for the next month.

Parent Signature ________________________________________              Date _______________________
Credit Card #_________________________________                    Expires _____/________ Code ________