What to Expect at Your Child's First Dance Class!

At Janet's Dance Studio, our goal is to make every student excited about dance starting from their very first class. The following guide is designed to help parents know what to expect in dance class and answer several common questions. This is especially helpful for our dancer’s ages 3 through 6 years old.

Please arrive 5-10 minutes early so your dancer has time to go to the bathroom, put on his or her dance shoes and be ready to enter class when it starts. Coming in late makes a child feel uncomfortable and left out.

For classes doing more than one style (tap and ballet for example), please send dancers with a small bag packed with their dance shoes. Dancers will change into ballet shoes in the dance room and will not return to the lobby to get their things from their parents.

Do not let your child wear their dance shoes outside. To maintain the integrity and cleanliness of our custom dance floors, no street shoes are allowed in the dance room. Dancers can change into their dance shoes once in the lobby.

Parents are welcome to watch their child's class during our "planned parent watch week". We do not allow parents in the dance room because we find that dancers are more focused and perform better with fewer people in the room. Dance is also about learning independence. You will see your dancer grow so much in confidence from their dance classes. If your child is feeling anxious about being in class without you, you can help by explaining to your child ahead of time that you will be in the lobby waiting and watching them while they take a dance class.

For our new students, it is very common to have tears the first week or two of classes. Please do not worry! Going into the dance room without mom or dad can be intimidating at first for some young ones. They will get more and more comfortable as the weeks go by. If they are upset and do not want to go in we suggest parents either encourage them to participate. If they continue to cry and disrupt the other students who want to learn we will ask you to take your child home. Unfortunately, allowing the child to continue to cry or run back and forth from the waiting room is a big distraction to our students.

Parents are also welcome to drop their children off and come back at the end of class to pick them up. If you decide to leave and your child needs to go to the bathroom, a female staff member will assist them if necessary. Please know that tights & leotards are sometimes difficult for young dancers to pull on and off on their own. If you choose to leave during class we do not mind helping them if needed, just be aware of this. You can help by encouraging a bathroom break before class starts.

We encourage parents to ask their children what they learned in class so they can practice at home. Have students show you a new step they learned that day or ask them to tell you the name of a dance step they have learned. Our young dancers learn so much that a little practice between classes can go a long way.

Trust our amazing teachers to know their job. Our staff members are here for your children. We spend a lot of time preparing class material, training, and coming up with new ideas to keep dancers engaged and having fun. If you have a question about something done in class, please ask the teacher before or after class. Sometimes teachers have back to back classes and do not have time for lengthy conversations, but we are still here for you! Please let the office know what your concern is and if they cannot help you, they will make sure your child's teacher contacts you when they are done teaching.

Do not compare your child to others in the class. Each dancer is unique with their own strengths and weaknesses. Dancers will grow and develop at different rates and that is ok! Keep the focus on your child rather than on others.

Dance is different than school in that dancers will not move up a level every year. Sometimes it takes more than a year (in fact can take 2-3 years) to master all that is taught in a specific dance class. We are here to help place your child in the correct level that will benefit them the most. If they do not move up a level, it does not mean that they "failed" or that they did a poor job. It simply means we think they can still learn and grow more in that class or it may be more developmentally appropriate for them than the next level up.

Please check all papers your child brings home. Important notices will always be emailed and sent home with the dancer. Open communication will help your child have a positive dance experience and to help the year run smoothly for all. We welcome you to contact us regarding any questions you might have about our studio.