Dance Studio Waiting Area Etiquette

          Manners have taken a beating over the last few years. Some have forgotten how to be considerate of others. Here are some things you should know while visiting our waiting area.
  • All students and parents are expected to be well behaved, courteous, honest, and to abide by the rules of Janet’s Dance Studio.  The waiting area should be respected at  all times including those people waiting in the area. Dancers should bring something to do while they are waiting between classes. The waiting areas should be respected as quiet zones as the noise can interrupt the dance classes in session. Young children are expected to be monitored by the parents in the waiting areas. Parents may not leave children under the age of 10 unattended in the studio wait areas.
  • Keep your tissues to yourself. Do not leave them on the chairs, tables or floor. Find a trash receptacle and throw them away.  Please put all trash in the trash receptacle!
  • Don't eat in the waiting room. If you must consume food please step outside until you finish your food.
  • Never ever bring nuts into a waiting room. There are people for whom even close proximity to a nut could be deadly.
  • Don't allow your children to run wild in the waiting area, dance shop or office. There will be no rough-housing, loud voices or running in the building. We want the waiting area to be a comfortable place to wait where people can relax, read, work on homework, or visit quietly with friends.  
  • Turn off your cell phone or turn it to vibrate. Do not carry on a conversation in the waiting area. No wants to know what you plan for dinner.
  • Treat the staff with respect. Do not yell at them or get angry with them just let them know your concerns and they will forward the information to me.  I will try to take care of the matter as soon as I can.
  • If you want to enjoy some music while you wait, make sure you are the only one who can hear it. As with your cell phone, others do not want to hear your favorite song. And, whatever you do don't sing along.
  • Students and parents are expected to keep the bathrooms, dressing room, waiting areas, and classrooms neat and clean.
  • We want you to enjoy the books and/or magazines we offer in our waiting area but we ask that you teach your child that when finished they need to be put back in the proper place.  If someone has not put things back in the proper place please teach your child that an act of kindness is always greatly appreciated even if it is not seen by anyone.
  • We provide “cubbies” and coat hooks for the dancers to use to keep their personal items while they are in class.  Please teach your child that keeping items together will be helpful when leaving after class. Each evening we find many unclaimed items left at the studio.  After 6 weeks those unclaimed items are given to a local help center.
  • Please consider the dance studio “a second home.”  When visiting “someone’s home”please treat it like your own!  Be respectful, clean, and careful while you visit each week and you will be invited back for a lifetime of dance education!